About Us

Dalahub.com is a venture by Dalahub services with its registered office in lucknow. Company's vision is to develop smart and efficient mini-transportation sevices solutions for India. The word "Dala" is derived from the local pronouncing name from the natives of north india which is synonym to tata ace, Mahindra "maximo" or any vehicle that is used in transportation of material on short routes as well as longer routes for small amount of material which will not be economical in bigger trucks.


The mission of this company is engraved into its name. The Vehicle/dala drivers are always in search of new orders which is never sure and certain. Their idle time is high and the customer at the other end requires these Vehicle/dala & cannot get the convenience of pre established rates. We are building a platform that provides drivers with regular work while focusing on customer convinience too. Dalahub is committed to make an impact towards highly unorganised mini transportation sector for existing vehicle on road. Dalahub wants to be a Pan-India brand connecting millions of Vehicle/dala drivers and customers, while organising this sector.

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