
Personal Loan

Personal Loan

A personal loan is an unsecured loan granted for personal use of borrower. The borrower does not put up any collateral or security to guarantee the repayment of the loan. Bank provide personal loan on the basis of the borrowers credit history and ability to repay the loan from personal income. The borrower is given all the money at once and agrees to pay back a certain amount as a monthly installment until the debt is repaid. The monthly installment includes both principal and interest.

Required documents-
1. Signed apllication form with photograph
2. Identity proof(PAN card,voter card,passport,U.I.D)
3. Residence proof(voter card,passport,U.I.D, electricity bill)
4. Latest 3 months salary slip
5. Last 2 yrs Form 16
6. Last 6 months bank statement salary account
7. Other Loan obligation proof

Banks rates and charges-

13%-19%Interest Rates
13.5%-22%Interest Rates
12.5%-15.5%Interest Rates
12.99%-21%Interest Rates
13%-16%Interest Rates
15.25%-16.50%Interest Rates
18%-28%Interest Rates
13.5%-19%Interest Rates
14%-19%Interest Rates
14%-19%Interest Rates
0.50%-2.25%Processing Fee
0.50%-2.25%Processing Fee
0.50%-1.5%Processing Fee
0.50%-2.25%Processing Fee
0.50%-1.5%Processing Fee
2%Processing Fee
2%-2.5%Processing Fee
0.50%-2%Processing Fee
0.50%-2%Processing Fee
1%-2%Processing Fee

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